lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

Side comments: while constructing the story

While writing this first part of the story everything was easy because the ideas were flowing at the moment, but once I got to the end I didn't really know how to re-direct it to where I wanted to go at the beginning, that gave me lots of troubles trying to find the way back. After rethinking the whole structure finally accepted that my story was not going that way anymore, or maybe not for now, and that I had to go dive in this new detour to get back later to my main body at some point over the story:

After the part one, started asking myself why do I start telling a story about myself while I try to tell a general story about displacement... simple: understanding the proper mind is the best way to comprehend that what's around, by exposing this experiences I will allow the audience to have easier access to the angle of my story... that led me to think about those things that cause reactions on me.

input is defined as an entrance or charges which are inserted to a system and activate/modify a process, colors and nature are some of those things that cause an input reaction on my brain, so I took this elements to tell my story: I had my small camera with me in every moment and took pictures or video of all those things that seemed key to my story of how I displace and how the imput is generated while this happens.

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