Every single second we are going from a place to another in somehow, my story tells something about this, displacement, and how I got here (that refers to where I could be standing right now).
After the first cartesian ritual of questioning myself about what displacement means ( and what I want to tell about it in this story), got the spine of this skeleton and analyzed the concept of displacement. My first conclusion is that the idea of displacement goes beyond any physical attempt of going from one side to another, taking the brain and its functions as another mean of transportation and in fact, I consider that this is the real first mean we all take for most of our activities (or that's what we are supposed to do), there is where our thoughts take us to specific sites in our minds right before we are even physically there.
Possibilities are endless, through our minds we can go anywhere, everywhere, in any way, just as in our dreams through which we experience innumerable things, see things that might never really become information processed by our optic nerves (part of our "physical reality"), but there I get to a new sparking point, what is reality then? Is there a "real" concept for that? The conception of reality is strongly influenced by what other people say real things are, but, my way to understand it is that reality is an individual concept in which things can be as true as we believe in them, where things can change their aspect and their color, and might not even be there, our reality could be in our dreams, it basically becomes a matter of decision where you choose what reality looks like and where do you want your reality to be (whether if it is a specific moment or state of conscience).
This endless number of possibilities in reality takes me to the endless possibilities of the mind and therefore the body, where someone's thoughts or feelings can allow someone to displace in any way, sometimes limited (if so) by the mean (body or lack of imagination). In my journey, I first started to construct the destination in my mind, and then explored it. When the physical journey began, my new destinations started to be constructed.
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